
What To Do On Your Would’ve Been Wedding Day.

May 17, 2020


If there is one good thing that’s come out of this lockdown, it’s that I’ve FINALLY gotten around to getting my blog sorted!! Round of applause for me please (and the lovely IT guy who put up with me for days trying to communicate to me what to do!) I apologise in advance if my grammar is terrible or if I’m boring to listen to, this is my first blog, so it may take a few tries to get the hang of this.

So it sucks to start my first blog post off on such a depressing topic, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that the Covid-19 has affected all of our lives massively, more than we ever expected it to, both in our personal lives and for all us business owners. I’m currently sat here sipping on my third coffee of the day, wearing the same jumper I’ve worn for the past week, trying not to worry about the fact that the wedding industry may not be back to normal for months. *deep breaths*

But as much as I’m currently frustrated at the current wedding situation, I can’t even imagine how it’s been for those of you who have had to push back your own weddings. I’m sending love and hugs to you all!! And even though you may be unable to have your wedding on your original date, there’s still plenty of ways that you can celebrate together, and here’s a few ideas that you can try out…

Recreate Your Wedding Breakfast

Now one of my favourite ideas is to recreate your wedding meal. Anything involving food will always be top of my list! It’s something that you both can do from start to finish. Cook it together, prepare it together and then eat it together. You can set up your own mini restaurant table, or go one step further and decorate your home the same way that you would’ve decorated your wedding (same flowers/ table decorations etc).

If you don’t fancy recreating the entire meal, just enjoy a lovely home cooked meal, or do what I would do and order in about fifty pizzas, and have a mini date night together.

You could also get your cake maker to make a mini version of your wedding cake for you to have for dessert! There’s ALWAYS room for dessert!!

Practice Your First Dance

You could be thinking right now how totally cheesy dancing together could be, but this is an idea that could totally prepare you for your wedding day! Also I’m a mushy loser who thinks this kind of stuff is the most romantic thing ever. Some couples find it a tad unnerving to be up in front of people dancing, all eyes on them, I’d be the exact same if I were doing a first dance. So having a practice run of your first dance together, away from anyone else, may give you the confidence boost you need. It’s also the cutest thing and I think all couples should make this a weekly activity anyway!

Video Call With Your Wedding Party

Just because we’re not allowed out to see our friends at the moment, it doesn’t mean that we can’t do a virtual meet up for drinks. Plan a night over Skype/ Zoom with your wedding party for a much needed catch up and drinks. Cocktails and gin are heavily advised for this! You can just chat for hours, have a gossip about what might happen on the big day, or you can even have a few games of bingo or pub quizzes if you fancy that instead. Want to take it a step further? Get yourselves all glammed up for the night. I’m talking fancy dresses, suits, full make up and hair do’s. The works! Get your glad rags on and party together!!

Have Your Wedding!

Not literally run on down to the registry office and get married, unless that’s something you actually want to do, then go for it!! No, what I mean is set up a mini version of your wedding at home. Groom to be, get your suit on. Bride to be, you can either wear your dress, or, if you’re your sticking to the tradition where the Groom can’t see the dress, you could always buy a cheap white dress to wear. Make an alter, say your vows, exchange the rings, have your ‘first kiss’. It may not be the traditional thing that we’re all used to doing, but rules were made to be broken, am I right?! And I fully encourage taking some photos of this. Get the Photo Timer+ app for your phone. So easy to use so you can get some shots of you both saying I DO at home! Or, if you’d like, give me a call and I’d happily come and get some shots of the two of you in your finery. Obviously I’d only do photos outside of your house with a huge space between us. Got to stay safe people!

I hope that some of these have made it a bit easier for you to find ways of celebrating your “would’ve been wedding day”. If you have any other ideas which I may not have thought of, feel free to drop them in the comments section!

Hopefully this will all be over soon and we can get back to some kind of normality, and I can get back to shooting!! (My camera is literally gathering dust right now) *sobbing away*

Stay safe everyone!

Helen xx

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ABOUT helen

First thing you need to know about me, I'm a hugger!

I know that this will sound so clichè to say, but I really do love my job. I live for it!! They say you should do things that make you happy, and honestly, knowing that the photos I capture can bring others such joy, that makes me complete.
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